
Slightly Used Wisdom

 They say wisdom is the application of knowledge and the best example that I've read so far from our dear beloved internet is this quote saying, "Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit but wisdom is knowing not to put it in fruit salad." With this, let me indulge you with some of the words of wisdom that I rarely use anyway. 1.  Talk to one another and not about each other. Gossip is annoying, but whenever some talks ill behind you, just remember that they are where they exactly belong - behind you.  If only we'll learn to talk to one another and not about each other, maybe we already have flying cars instead of 30-second TikTok videos. 2. Video games are life's closest analogy. As we grow older, our life doesn't get easier.  On the flip side, as we mature, we become sturdier and can face adversities as if it's just another Tuesday; just like in video games and how the difficulty level goes along with your character level. 3. Silence is holy. Well, th

The Rabbit, The Bear and the Doggo
